Resources for Seniors and Their Families

Our Mission:

The mission of the Area Agency on Aging is to plan and coordinate the provision of services to the Older Adults of Northampton County. These services, delivered directly, via purchase of services from a community agency, or by cooperative arrangement, are designed to enhance the independence and dignity of older adults.

Outstanding Senior Awards 2025

Application for nominations of individuals who are contributing their time and talent for the benefit of others in our community Click Here

Nominations must be received by February 28, 2025

Helping older adults stay cool during extreme weather

·       Educate older adults of the risks of high temperature weather

·       Senior Centers open 5 days week   

Farmer Market Nutritional Program

·       Program runs June through November 30th

o  Call our office: 610-829-4540 or get the application here.


·       In home services

o  Care management

o  Adult day services

o  In home meals

o  Personal Care

Caregiver Support

·       Caregivers providing assistance to older adults

·       Financial reimbursement for supplies and services related to caregiving- respite, wipes, adult briefs, home modifications

·       Grandparent/older adult relative caring for dependent children

o  Seasonal clothing, baby food/formula, summer camps



Completes Functional Eligibility Assessments to determine level of care: Nursing Facility Clinically Eligible (NFCE) or Nursing Facility Ineligible ( NFI)

·       Assessments are completed on anyone 18 years of age or older

·       For in home waiver programs and skilled nursing placement

For any of the above programs or help with a senior family member call us at 610-829-4540 or 610-829-4800.

Protective Services

·       Investigate allegations of abuse, neglect, exploitation and abandonment

·       Provide resources and supports to mitigate identified risk to older adults

Financial Exploirtation is on the rise with scams. This guide will help seniors ID these scams and protect their assets. US Senate Fraud Book 2021

For the PA State Protective Services Division Call: (800) 490-8505

Helpful Links
Join a Senior Center

  • PA MEDI (PA Medicare Education and Decision Insight) Program: This is a health insurance counseling service for those on Medicare. The request is for a minimum 2 hours per week. To Volunteer call (610) 829-4540 or (800) 322-9269
  • OMBUDSMAN Program: This volunteer program looks to provide volunteers to find answers and resolve simple problems for adults in the long-term care system. If you are interested please call Bob Olney at (610) 435-1541 x 327 or email:
2024 Outstanding Seniors

(Seated) Judith Dickerson, Barbara Gilchrist, Frances Rooney Brown, Sharon Seitz, Virginia Mack

(Standing) Dr. Linda Marcincin, Joseph Andrew, Jr., Bishop Dr. Elveta Phipps, Jerome Schwartz

2024 Honorees

Joseph F. Andrews, Jr. - Hanover Township

David Brown - Bethlehem Township

Frances Rooney Brown - Bethlehem Township

Judith A. Dickerson - Palmer Township

Barbara Gilchrist - Hanover Township

Earl Hill - Hellertown Borough

Virginia (Ginny) Mack - Plainfield Township

Dr. Linda M. Marcincin - Hellertown

Bishop Dr. Elveta Phipps – Easton

Jerome Schwartz - Nazareth

Sharon Seitz – Bethlehem